Amateur Radio Satellites

Amateur Radio Satellites

ARISS contact for school in Lecce, Italy

ARISS contact for school in Lecce, Italy An International Space Station contact is planned  for Scuola Media Statale 'G. Marconi', Soleto, Lecce, Italy. The event is scheduled for Monday 23 November 2015 at 09:21 UTC, which is 10.21 CEWT. This will be a telebridge contact between NA1SS and...
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AO-85 Commissioned and Turned Over to AMSAT-NA Operations

11/18/2015 Fox-1A (AO-85) has been formally commissioned and turned over to AMSAT Operations, which now is responsible for the scheduling and modes. Fox-1A isAMSAT-NA’s first CubeSat. “Many new techniques are incorporated, and lessons will be learned, as with any new ‘product,’” said AMSAT Vice...
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